One bike, One World and One tree
Why are Trees Important to the Environment?
Trees help reduce stress, anxiety and allow us to reconnect with nature. But their benefits go way beyond just us.
Increasing levels of carbon dioxide caused by deforestation and fossil fuel combustion trap heat in the atmosphere. Trees help cool the planet by sucking in and storing these harmful greenhouse gasses in their trunks, branches, and leaves. Trees help clean the air we breath through storing these harmful gasses and as a result reduce the effects of climate change.
A single tree can be home to hundreds of species of insect, fungi, moss, mammals, and plants. Depending on the kind of food and shelter they need. This habitat and the land we live on is then further protected by the trees roots as they capture rainwater and reduce the risk of natural disasters such as floods and landslides.
Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people. Sustainable tree farming provides timber to build and wood to burn for cooking and heating. Food-producing trees provide fruit, nuts, berries, and leaves for consumption. Produce from trees are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.

Where are the Trees Planted?
2020 & 2021
For every 2020 and 2021 calendar sold 1 tree has been planted with the help of onetreeplanted. That’s 30,000 trees which a partly funded a huge project to reforest the Sierra Gorda de Querétaro, Biosphere Reserve.
The Biosphere is one of the Natural Protected Areas in Mexico with the greatest biological diversity. Deforestation and degradation of eco systems is a growing problem, often due to agriculture and fish farming overtaking forest lands. 35,000 trees were planted within 49 communities 85.7% of which came from 1bike1world donations which is an amazing achievement!
From the sale of the 2022 calendars 1 tree is planted for every calendar sold. As a result we have been able to plant in two locations for this year of which 6,000 native species trees were planted in Portugal.
The second part of our tree planting initiative for 2022 saw 6,000 native species trees planted in Denmark. The saplings are planted in West Jutland an area characterised by open lands, heaths, plains and peat bogs.
From the sale of the 2023 calendars we have donated 5,000 trees to be planted for each calendar sold. As a result we have been able to plant 5,000 native species trees in the Sequoia National Park, California, USA.
We took the decision to plant in two locations for 2023 after seeing the deviation caused to woodland in British Columbia, Canada following recent forest fires. 5,000 Trees are to be planted at Williams Lake and the surrounding area.
Why Plant Trees in these locations?
This project focuses on both farmland conversion and forest restoration to improve biodiversity habitats in an essential migration corridor for numerous species. Mexico serves as resting place for the migration of Monarch butterflies, one of nature’s most important pollinators by planting trees we will
This project focuses on both farmland conversion and forest restoration to improve biodiversity habitats in an essential migration corridor for numerous species. Mexico serves as resting place for the migration of Monarch butterflies, one of nature’s most important pollinators by planting trees we will protect these critical biodiversity habitats.
Through the planting of native species with the cooperation of local landowners and indigenous communities we can reduce soil erosion and prevents landslides to make sure that Senguio and Ocampo’s natural beauty is maintained and restored for future generations of people and wildlife.
Through the planting of native species with the cooperation of local landowners and indigenous communities we can reduce soil erosion and prevents landslides to make sure that Senguio and Ocampo’s natural beauty is maintained and restored for future generations of people and wildlife.
From 2001 to 2020 Portugal lost 1.09Mha of tree cover, which is equivalent to a 47% decrease from the tree cover recorded in the year 2000. Through reforestation, fragmented ecosystems and remaining old growth areas can be connected, creating a healthier ecosystem and protecting the remaining green space.
The project organised by One Tree Planted aims to restore previously degraded land from forest fires and desertification by reintroducing the native flora back to the land. As a result the natural ecosystem will become revitalized, restoring water tables, preventing further soil erosion and degradation.
Nala and I visited Denmark in August 2022 and fell in love with the country. We initially headed to the west coast as it is directly across the North Sea from our home in Dunbar, Scotland. Growing up with the sea view from my window I’d always wondered what was over the horizon, the natural landscape of Denmark reminded me so much of home.
After hearing of the project in Denmark I new we had to get involved. Due to historic deforestation, only 14.5% of the land area in Denmark is forested. One Tree Planted and its partners in Denmark work with 550 landowners to plant 1 million trees across 350 hectares of land. This project is part of a nationwide effort to increase Denmark’s forest cover by 25% in 2100. This comes with huge benefits to the climate, biodiversity and the local communities in Western Jutland.
When looking for locations to plant the 2023 trees we knew our donation had to go to areas devastated by wild fires. When we heard a 250 acre area of the Sequoia national park had been drastically effected by the Castle Fire in 2020 we took the decision to sponsor replanting at its Alder Creek location.
The park has a special connection to us as John Muir helped establish Sequoia National Park in 1890 to protect the Giant Forest and other groves of big trees. John Muir was born in Dunbar, my home town and throughout his life dedicated his time to pioneering conservation work.
For the second part of our 2023 donation we looked to Canada and our comic artist Kelly Ulrich for a location special to her which had been effected by the Hanceville wildfire of 2017. The land of Williams Lake was severely burned and was not expected to naturally reforest for an extremely long time which is where our intervention comes in.
“Williams Lake is in the heart of what’s known as Caribou Country and I remember fondly going to visit one summer with my dad. Just he and I. Its full of gold rush stories, pioneers, prospectors and the cleanest air I ever breathed. The next year after that, my Dad passed away. I was 12. I have been to Williams Lake since but that’s the time I remember best.” Kelly Ulrich
Planting the Saplings
The saplings came from local nurseries and are species selected for the appropriate temperate zones of the biosphere, including Pine (Pinus spp.), oak (Quercus spp.) and cypress (Cupressus spp.)
The planting of the saplings was carried out by residents and local authorities of the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve with the aid of One Tree Planted. To measure and ensure optimal survival rates of trees, in the two final months of reforestation one tree planted double checked previous plantings to see if any trees needed to be replaced. Each member and organisation involved in the reforestation efforts is advised on how to care for the seedlings. Follow up visits serve to review the necessary care of each reforestation, depending on exact local conditions and needs, including removal of invading grasses and weeds at the foot of trees, and providing water to the trees where necessary.
One Tree Planted have selected a variety of native/endemic species that are suited for Portugal’s particular biosphere. Some common species include but are not limited to: Arbutus Unedo, Quercus Suber, Quercus Robur, Quercus Faginea, Quercus Ilex / rotundifolia, Castanea sativa, Oliveira-brava, Fraxinus angustifolia, Populus, Pinus pinea, Laurus Nobilis, Prunus Spinosa, Salix, Myrtus (tarentina), Sambucus nigra, and Alfarroba.

A skilled team of local foresters in Denmark has selected a mix of over 25 native species, including varieties of alder, oak, ash, fir, pine, spruce, and larch.
The new forests will absorb carbon, protect biodiversity, preserve groundwater, and fix nitrogen to reduce wetland eutrophication (when a body of water becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients, causing an algae bloom + suffocating aquatic life). A conservation area will be established for the threatened hazel dormouse and will provide rich habitat for native birds and insects.

This project offers long term climate benefits as it is taking place on land intended to remain in timber production in perpetuity. A tree planted in spring 2022 will live for at least 60 years before being harvested. Each trees planting prevents property development and maintains the ecological benefits of the site. The trees to be planted at Alder creek are Giant Sequoia – 32,020 Seedlings (64%), Incense Cedar – 5870 Seedlings (12%), Ponderosa Pine – 5870 Seedlings (12%), White Fir – 5870 Seedlings (12%)

The replanting aims to mimic natural regeneration by distribution the saplings in a clumpy way, by leaving natural voids when there is no suitable microsite. The restoration of areas in close proximity to wetlands has been prioritized within these areas. Reforesting these areas aids in the restoration of visual and thermal vegetation cover, which is essential for moose habitat. The saplings being planted in Williams lake are Douglas- fir, lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine , hybrid spruce, trembling aspen and western larch.

What does this mean for the communities?
In Mexico, communities and landowners will be taught sustainable forestry practices such as proper planting techniques, sustainable harvesting, the importance of recycling and waste management, and land and plant protection. This will create jobs and opportunities for those most impacted by the project and One Tree Planted’s work.
In Portugal, outreach programs aim to engage local communities in the planting process, empowering them to restore the environment and create new green spaces to be enjoyed. Volunteering opportunities increases community engagement spreading knowledge and positively impacting mental health.
In Denmark, the local community will benefit from the many recreational opportunities afforded by the woodland, as well as an exciting “school in the forest” initiative that will provide educational opportunities for generations to come.
This project is taking place in a rural community that is economically dependent on natural resources. This project will benefit the community by insuring that there is a future supply of timber for the mills in the area. For the rural communities of Northern California mills are one of the primary private sector employers. Planting trees after fires creates jobs and economic benefits immediately while also protecting the resources that the community will depend on over the long term as well.
Wildfire decimated a vast area of forest that for various reasons will not regenerate itself in a reasonable time period. The fire impacted the forest, but also soils, riparian ecosystems, wildlife and water quality. Local indigenous communities have seen their ability to hunt and gather food drastically altered. Ranchers not only lost cattle in the fires, but now see the grazing potential reduced where the forest and grasslands burned. The goal of planting is to establish a forest in less time that it would take if left for natural regeneration to occur. Natural regeneration is expected to take up to 40 years because of the lack of seed trees available. A further goal is to establish tree species that will be resilient in the face of climate change.
Our information and pictures have been provided by One Tree Planted, Country File, and Eco Matcher